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Cutting weeds? Use weeds!Mr. Sangchae Ra of Damyang, 8 ac of persimmon, 10 years into organic farming
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Weeds compete with crops for water, nutrients, sun, and air. If this issue can be solved, they are not such notorious problem, instead they can help enrich the soil. According to an experiment, if you cut grass and turn them into compost, that compost is less nutrient-rich than grass that was not cut. Grass that is cut, fell down, and exposed to the sun seems to lose nitrogen. If you let the cover crop grow, they also receive and hold down the leaves that fall from the trees, which otherwise, would have blown away.
ⓒ Jadam

​Understand the life-cycle and natures of lower-temperature range weeds and higher ones, and manage them accordingly.

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Other articles by Kyeongho KimInterviewed on : 2016.07.26 12:26

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