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How to make powerful natural organic fungicide the JADAM Sulfur. (how to melt sulfur without fire)It introduces the manufacturing method of JADAM sulfur that melts sulfur without heating it up with just a combination of materials.

 JADAM sulfur(JS) is also called red clay-sulfur. It is very dffective against most diseases do not develop resistance. JS is made without heating, does not damage plastic and steel pipes in greenhouses. Effective against black spot, pear rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew, etc.

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Other articles by Youngsang ChoInterviewed on : 2020.12.21 13:15

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#Youngsang Cho#sulfur#pesticide#fungicide#Js

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Comments and replies (2)
  • Muhammad Hamzi 2022-05-18 09:45:23

    Can use white clay  

    • oceanbasil 2021-06-15 16:54:09

      Finding a hear resistant container has been my greatest challenge living on Kauai Hawaii. I got a plastic container and looked up the plastic type. It said that it went up to
      250F, then melted and poured out all over my yard. I want to try again. Can you be specific about where and which plastic type container I should get? Thank you

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