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Chinese hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida)- enjoying wild herb
Crataegus pinnatifida also kwon as Chinese hawthorn grows up to 3 ~ 6m high in the mountainous regions of the country. The barks are ashy and have thorns on the branches. Leaves run alternately. It is egg-shaped, with a sharp split edge and irregular sawtooth.
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In May, a white flower like a pear blossom runs in a flower bed. There are 5 petals and it is shaped round. There are 3 to 5 styles, 20 stamens, and red anther. The fruit has a spherical shape with a diameter of about 1.5cm and ripens in red from September to October. There is a white speck on the outside
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Dried Flowers can be steamed for making tea. Leaves also can be made as tea. You can also make liqueur with water, make sikhye, and boil the porridge. After extracting seeds, you can cut into sugar or honey and make jam. You can dip it with sugar or can be fermented as alcoholic drink. If you mix the juice or powder with the meat, the meat becomes tender. It is also possible to make tea with thin slice of this
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In ancient korean medicine, the fruit is called mountain sorcerer. The taste is sweet and sour, and the property is slightly warm. It has the effect of promoting digestion and is mainly used when overeating or slaughtering. It relieve the pain, abdominal pain due to postpartum is often used. It can also be used for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis and  it has effects such as expanding the artery and lowering the blood cholesterol level.
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recommended dosage is 8 to 15 grams a day. format of substance can be powder or pill. However, it is better not to eat much on the empty stomach. You should also be cautious when you have weakness or excessive acidity. Eating lots of raw materials can damage your teeth and cause you to lose energy.
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Seeds are effective for symptoms of acne, such as food, caused by chronic diarrhea. Leaves and flowers, like tea, are effective for high blood pressure. The leaves contain quercetin, rutin, vitexin and various flavonoids. The flowers contain quercetin, hyperin, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid.
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Breeding is done with seeds, branches, or roots. The seeds are planted in direct or humid soil and then sown in the spring of next year. Branches or roots are laid before the early spring buds.
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[How to enjoy Chinese hawthorn]
1. use dry leaves or flowers as tea .
2. Make a bowl of boil porridge.
3. Remove the seeds and then dip into sugar or honey to make jam
4. Dip it to sugar to make enzyme or ferment it for alcohol
5. Mix juice or flour with meat to make it soft.

Other articles by Geol YooInterviewed on : 2018.11.17 18:03

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##Chinesehawthorn #Crataeguspinnatifida #geolyu

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