HOME JADAM in action Organic farming
Repeating last year's farming is no fun... Experiment, learn and improve!Taewha Park, Goheung, Jeonnam, yuzu 8 ac, 20 years of organic farming (certified organic for 9), ultra low-cost farming for 5 years
No tilling for 20 years. Cover crop method using rye and hairy vetch. Conventional seeds have to be washed because they are coated with chemicals and cannot be used in organic. They have to be sowed after half a day after drying; if it's late, they'll sprout.
Hairy vetch provides nitrogen; rye penetrates deep into the soil. Rye is best in making soil soft. Mr. Park actually buys seeds every year to sow these two cover crops. He says they don't proliferate as well naturally, i.e, allowing them to seed. 

Mr. Park uses cow manure. He used to apply it three times a year, but that gave too much nitrogen, so reduced it to two. A tree receives 50 kg of manure twice. Mr. Park is always experimenting, observing, and learning. That is what makes farming fun.

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Other articles by Kyongho KimInterviewed on : 2016.11.17 10:25

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#Taehwa Park#Goheung#rye#hairy vetch#organic yuzu#yuzu

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