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English grain ahidgramineous crop pest
If you are a member of JADAM, you must know what Banker plant is. Banker plant includes Bird Cherry-oat Aphid, Corn Leaf aphid, English Grain Aphid and extra. Their hosts are rice. I am going to explain how to attract or prevent the natural enemy with these species. First, let see one of an internet article. "Plants which Protect the Natural Enemy" (http://www.rwn.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=10671) is written by a researcher, Manyoung Choi. 
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winged-English grain aphid adult 
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non-winged English grain aphid adult
English grain aphid
Hemisphere aphids

О Scientific name : Sitobion(Macrosiphumavenae Fabricius
О English name : English grain aphid
О Size : The body length of winged-one is 2.9mm
О Hosts: Barley, Rice, Rye, Wheat, Sorgho, Crabgrass, Clematis and more.
О Distribution: Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan and North America and more.         

The body length of winged-English grain aphid is around 2.9mm. The body color is dark green and the pattern on its body is reddish brown or brown. Its head is dark brown, the stomach is dark green and cornicle is lustrous black. The body length of non-winged one is similar to winged one. Non-winged insect's cornicle is 0.75mm which is a cylindrical shape and there is an edge.
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late-instar English grain aphid nymph
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early-instar English grain aphid nymph
The host plants are Barley, Rice, Rye, Wheat, Sorgho and extra. English grain aphid stays over the coldest season as eggs. Its adult and nymph suck juice from the behind of leaf at the beginning of growth and development of barley. Therefore, when the ear of the plant comes out, the density goes up sharply. After the ear of plant grows, adult and nymph parasite and give the plant damage that it cannot take root and if it is worse, it will be withered.

The below pictures are the type of enemy insects that can be easily observed around English grain aphid. Generally, I have a theory that "Let use the nature of the enemy for free" (individual blog series). We should protect the nature of the enemy as much as possible and use them. In other words, we should buy only when harmful insects outbreak. We need to try natural control to reduce cost. 
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ladybug nymph
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aphidiu ervi mummy
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early-instar allpgrapta balteata nymph (it is molting)

 Translated by Sunyoung Cho

Other articles by Deogkee ParkInterviewed on : 2016.06.01 01:16

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