Normally to cultivate an area of 1.3 acres of strawberry farm’s fertilizer costs about $5,000~$10,000 per time. And mean while farmer Mr. lee has converted to environmentally friendly farming and started combining JADAM method which costs him about $1,800 per time only with environmentally friendly ingredient. Ultra low cost is actual idea of JADAM . but somehow he can’t truly support the idea so he started combine together which leads him to spend twice of what he usually have to pay.
Even if he had water softener and tried more other thing but it had lack of control value. So he had to use the environmentally friendly inputs.To increase control value he’ve decided to make juice type herbal solution instead of decocting them.
Which led hime to grow his own different toxic herbs to test it out. Mr. lee says he can do anything to kill the bacteria and pests what ever it takes.
Translated by Sungwoo Cho
Other articles by Kyeongho KimInterviewed on : 2018.03.17 02:33
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