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8. Is putrefaction bad and fermentation good?Summary of part of the lecture by Youngsang Cho Dec 15, 2016 at Daejeon office

Our ancestors made all farm inputs with things nearby. It cost them nearly no money. They were self-sufficient. But organic farming nowadays look for inputs far and wide, give a lot of money to buy them, and develop special machines for them. Organic farming is now for the wealthy people.  

Why do you make fertilizer? To feed the plants. That means its nutritional quality is of the most important nature. It shoud minimize nutritional loss in the process of making. That is why Jadam chooses to use an-aerobic fermentation as its basic method. 

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Other articles by Youngsang ChoInterviewed on : 2016.12.26 09:40

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#Youngsang Cho#Jadam#organic farm input#anaerobic fermentation#putrefaction#fermentation

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