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Compost Amount
2022-08-16 12:37:30 | read: 2684
Hi thank you so much for the life-changing books!

There are a lot of organic farmers in the US who rely on very large amounts of compost- almost growing in pure compost on top of the soil. I think this is too much reliance on compost. I noticed on the JADAM farm in Korea there seems to be much less compost used in the videos, even though the soil is not very dark.

The book says to use the amount of compost recommended by the compost manufacturer.

My question: Is there a simple way to decide how much compost to use if you made the compost yourself?
2022-08-16 12:37:30
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Comments and replies 7
  • Jack Mueth 2022-08-18 09:49:52

    Thank you so much for all of your very patient responses to my questions. I know you are busy and have done a lot for the world of organic growing, and continue to do a lot. I am very excited for the upcoming JADAM Gardening book I have heard about “through the grapevine.”

    I would also love to see a basic JADAM growing guide for specific common crops if you ever find the time. There are a lot of ways to learn but it’s hard to trust anyone except JADAM because of all the nonsense out there.

    • Jack Mueth 2022-08-18 01:51:06

      Are the following ingredients okay to use as a substitute for sawdust:

      Dry brown grass, shredded cardboard, shredded autumn leaves, bio-char, etc?

      • Jack Mueth 2022-08-18 00:55:38

        Is this a typical pattern of leafy crops vs reproductive crops?  

        • 숨결 2022-08-17 09:46:18

          Nice to meet you. Thank you so much for purchasing my book and for supporting me.
          Determining the amount of compost can be difficult because there are so many different methods of composting. There are also differences depending on the crop. For example, Chinese cabbage requires a lot of compost, but tomatoes grow well with about 1/3 of the compost given to Chinese cabbage.

          Excessive use of compost can cause over growth in crops. To prevent this from happening, you can use about 75% sawdust when composting. Even if you use a lot that contains a lot of sawdust, over growth does not occur easily.

          No. Title Name Attachment Date Clicks
          Notice JADAM Farm is being released in real time through 'Instagram'.
          2023-06-02 25551
          Notice Google eBook is ready.
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          Notice Where to buy ingredient of JADAM pesticides (1)
          - 2021-06-14 42529
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          2022-08-20 2947
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          110 Trash bag compost (2)
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          109 Orchard compost"Black Gold Texas Tea"
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          108 Water Softening Resin (2)
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          107 Raw matter- 30 days or 3 months (1)
          Jack Mueth
          2022-08-18 2778
          106 Sea Salt on Small Gardens/Farms (10)
          Jack Mueth
          - 2022-08-17 3271
          105 Compost Amount (7)
          Jack Mueth
          - 2022-08-16 2684
          104 Rock mulch on trees (2)
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          103 Root watering system (2)
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          102 Tumbler compost (1)
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          101 Cover crop on fruit trees (3)
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          100 JADAM VS Mulch (3)
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          99 Food waste leachate (1)
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          98 snail shell JLF (2)
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          97 Anaerobic Compost (1)
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