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2022-12-29 00:04:48 | read: 8110
Can your JLF be applied as the plant food in aguaponics?  And if yes what the solution be?  I live in a Caribbean island with sandy soil with minimum of organic matter.  Could I only feed the plants with you JLF and JMS?
Steve Piwowarczyk
2022-12-29 00:04:48
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  • Steve Piwowarczyk 2022-12-30 00:09:03

    Thank you, Youngsang. I meant hydroponics not aquaponics. My island soil is basically fine sand mixed with some silt in the top few inches. It still yields some cucumber and tomato. I put some cow manure and peat moss to improve it but all this is imported and very expensive. The climate is hot and pretty dry. I wonder if I could only use your JLF (weak dilution for all the irrigation) and JMS to feet the plants. We got no agriculture at all over here and all the food is imported and expensive. I love your natural farming and would like to introduce it over here if feasible to help the local people (Turks and Caicos Islands) to start farming. They used to farm but with the arrival of tourism everybody switched to tourism
    and their agriculture was abandoned. Your time and help greatly appreciated. I am anxiously waiting for you book.

    • 숨결 2022-12-29 09:32:15

      JLF and JMS can overgrow microorganisms in water.
      This will deteriorate the water quality. Please try to apply partially.

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      54 Jadam sulfur (2)
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      53 OH~ thanks for the good point.
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