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Compost pile( anaerobic) !
2022-06-23 11:57:07 | read: 4537
I made a compost pile, it has been a month so far. I collected all the road kill , deer, skunk, 6 vultures, 1 raccoon, put it in my car trunk. Then I took it home and started a compost pile with all dead animals in the center, then,  I added , bio-char(charcoal) , rotted forest wood ,  leaf mold, dried leaf, wood ash and urine. The deer had its belly intact so it had natural lactic acid in his stomach, to start the decomposition process. I added JMS solution direct without any dilution, it smelled very loud like I have liked someone and hidden the buried the  body , so for the first two days the smell was very strong and not to mention lots of flies.  I created fly traps with sugar and yeast water solution in a bottle of water . After  the second day it’ was all gone the flies and the smell from the compost.  The main smell was coming from the skunk with leaked everywhere in the car and on the compost. I then drenched it with heavy amounts of water, covered it tight with trap and let the anaerobic process do it work, I been using a 5 gallons solution direct and applying it every week. My question to you mr. Cho my compost pile is larger then 3 ft. X 3 ft. Is that okay or will I need to make two smaller piles. One last thing I forgot to mention I applied all the application after the second day! 
2022-06-23 11:57:07
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  • 숨결 2022-06-24 16:37:03

    You did a really good job. About 3 feet is adequate. The reason is that the higher you go, the higher the temperature inside the compost is due to fermentation. The compost is often turned over to cool off this heat. However, if you stack the compost mix as low as 3 feet, you can complete it without turning it over. The fever rises and then goes down after about 15 days. You can use it when the heat of fermentation is almost gone.  

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