Sharing JADAM
Paddy rearing thro JADAM
2022-01-26 16:25:17 | read: 6173
Sir, I am paddy farmer from India. Right now i am planning for Paddy cultivation inputs in April'22. For that I am planning all inputs thro JADAM Method.
As we know paddy crop land is filled with water, we could not rear cover crop, instead i am planning to put bio gas slurry, rice bran, hay , saw dust , grass clippings as raw input to the soil just before last plough.After inputting the above items, as adviced in the book, i am planning to give JMS, Sea salt, GC JLF, 4 times, before transplantation of rice seedlings. My assumption is for JMS MO  the above items will be the food i.e( bio gas slurry, rice bran, hay, saw dust, grass clippings) and apart from that sea salt, phylite powder will be minerals, JLF GC will feed the roots . After transplanting i.e 20 days latter, i am planning to give compost.
I want to know whether giving raw organic items like slurry, rice bran, coffee grounds, grass clippings as food to thro JMS MO will have any negative effect or not , for the rooting system of rice seedlings.
If there is no negative effect, i will go as per my plan.
Thank you in advance.
2022-01-26 16:25:17
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  • 숨결 2022-01-27 17:30:18

    If JMS and other substances are used 30 days before planting, there is little effect on rooting. thank you.  

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