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Application on only JWA, JS with NaOH / KOH
2025-03-01 15:21:20 | read: 871

Hi President,

Good day to you.

I have been reading about JADAM organic farming.

At the moment, I am planting chili in an open field in Malaysia.

1. I would like to know how frequently I can use JWA and JS? So far I notice only JWA doing a great job for prevention.

My worry is JS will cause burn leaves when use it quite frequent.

Currently, I am using JWA every 2 days and JWA + JS once a week. The dosage is JWA 200ml and JS 20ml for a 20-liter knapsack sprayer.

2. Can NaOH or KOH replace JHS if I don’t have access to ginkgo herbs?

Thank you.

Best regards,
2025-03-01 15:21:20
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Comments and replies 3
  • Wilson Yong Kok Leong 2025-03-02 14:47:44

    Thanks for your prompt reply. Yeah, we have plenty of Bracken fern in Malaysia. Is this almost same effective as ginkgo. Thanks for your sharing and I am going to make it.  

    • 숨결 2025-03-02 10:09:06

      JS 20ml is not suitable for 20L. You should use 40-60ml. It is unlikely that any major problems will occur if you spray at this rate every 7 days. You can use oleander or bracken instead of ginkgo nuts.  

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