Hello, Mr. Cho,
I hope your health is good, and that your doctoral dissertation is going well.
I love to cook Korean stews, so this year I am making my own 된장 soybean paste.
I've already boiled my soybeans and made 메주 soybean bricks.
Bricks are now drying and will be ready for inoculation in a few days.
I've been told that rice straw is traditionally used to inoculate soybean bricks with wild microorganisms.
Can I use leafmold soil to inoculate soybean bricks?
Is it a good idea to sprinkle some leafmold soil under a layer of straw before placing fresh meju bricks on it for inoculation?
Or should I just use straw alone without leafmold soil?
I want to use leafmold soil to achieve a higher microbial diversity in my bean paste, but I worry that some insects might migrate from it into the bean bricks and spoil them.
Hello. It's been a while. Nice to meet you. Oh.. You made meju. It's great. I recommend mixing water with leafmold soil and filtering it through a cotton cloth and spraying it. The thesis is going well.