Hi there Jadam family.
Respect and wellbeing to you all. Thank you for all your hard work.
Maybe the answer to my question is not a short one. As I live in the country of South Africa where we have reasonably dry seasons. I have recently studied biochar to retain more soil moisture, and as such, I was wondering how I can go about innoculating biocar with your Jadam way.
I have about a hectare of land to clear from an invasive Acacia and I'm going to produce the biochar from it. Now to get the most of it I'd like to ask some advice as to go about.
Any sugestions will be highly apreciated.
Thank you. Would it be OK to soak the biochar in the JMS solution and then amend it to the soil?
숨결2023-06-21 09:02:12
I think biochar provides a very good environment as a habitat for microorganisms. Applying biochar to the soil and spraying JMS will create better soil conditions.