Sharing JADAM
Home Remedies
2023-04-16 00:38:26 | read: 5687
Dear Youngsang.

I'm kind of new to Jadam. I have read the
Organic Farming and Organic Pest and Disease Control books and watched all 18 of the
videos. I understand JS and JWA can be used as home remedies for animals and humans.

I currently have a cat that won't stop itching, he has itched most of the fur off the back part of his body. I've had him to the vet, to the tune of over $500. Not one
thing they did helped him. They finally
said he has flea allergies and there's nothing that can be done for it. He doesn't
have fleas or ear mites.

I've given him epsom salts baths where I held all but his head under water for like 10 minutes. Being a cat, didn't like that very much. Also many different supplements to
build his immune system, including Vitamin C,  N-Acetyl Cysteine, L-Histidine, Magnesium , Chaga Mushroom, Spirluna Powder, Stinging Nettle, and Black Walnut for possible
parasites although his stool float was
negative several times for parasites. Also washed him with horse shampoo for scabies
at least a dozen times. I feed him the expensive no grain food and he often eats mice
and squirrels as garden patrol is his day

I just made my first batch of JS My latest thought is give him another warm soak, this time in JS and JWA but I'm not sure of the best dilution to use. Could you please
recommend a good dilution rate for a kitty soak and would you have any other ideas of something that may help him? I imagine JS
and JWA have many other home remedie applications. Also please let me know where I can find application rates and prosedures for
home remedies especially the toenail soak. Home remedies could possably be another

I have really enjoyed learning Jadam gardening methods.
Many thanks for all you share.

Rob Lee
2023-04-16 00:38:26
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  • 숨결 2023-04-16 08:50:49

    Thank you for your interest in JADAM.
    I also have 4 dogs. Bathe using JWA. How about soaking the dog's fur in water, rubbing it with JWA stock solution to create a bubble, waiting for about 30 minutes, and then washing it off with water?

    It is expected that the foam caused by JWA will make the fleas difficult to breathe, increasing the control effect.

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