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The Subject of Phosphorus & NPK
2022-08-23 04:33:21 | read: 6014
I have some confusion about phosphorus in relation to fruiting/flowering plants. I am very sorry for the long question.

Background info: many growers recommend using lots of phosphorus for fruiting and flowering crops. It is common to see recommended NPK ratios with slightly higher P compared to N & K. Something like NPK 15-20-15 is common, or mixing in things like bonemeal (approx 0-10-0) or rock phosphate.

Looking at the JLF analysis in the JADAM book, I was worried that there is not much phosphorus in JLF, even bone meal JLF.

However, there are many growers who recommend the opposite- using fertilizers with much lower P% in the NPK. I’ve seen recommendations around 15-5-25, etc.

In the JADAM book it also says the optimum level of P in plant tissue is much lower than N and K. (NPK 1.5 - .2 - 1 , page 220 of English 2nd Edition)

I do not want to overthink this, I am trying not to focus too much on NPK, as I want to follow an “intuitive diet” for my soil and plants.

My question is this:

If you have a good fertilization program based on whole plant matter... good base fertilizer (grass, leaves, crop residue) + balanced JLF (grass and crop residue) + sea salt + small supplements of N or K to optimize... is there any real benefit of using bone meal or other ingredients with a lot of P?
2022-08-23 04:33:21
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  • Jack Mueth 2022-08-23 10:23:20

    Thank you. Yes that video is one of my favorites. Very eye opening and helpful to put things into perspective.

    I add lots of balanced organic matter every year so I will try not to over think it.

    However I think it would also be interesting to see analysis of various JLF at different stages (1 month - 3 month - 1 year - 3 year - etc) to get an idea of how the nutrients change over time.

    Thank you again

    • 숨결 2022-08-23 09:18:17

      I think the last one you put together is sensible.
      This video I uploaded will be helpful.

      We aim for organic farming. Soil testing is also done in organic farming. Here, when P and K are insufficient, the prescription is to enrich the organic matter.

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