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Orchard compost"Black Gold Texas Tea"
2022-08-19 17:22:35 | read: 3803
After reading this book called "the holistic orchard" by micheal phillips I have a better understanding about the Orchards and the fungal compost used for that called the "Black Gold Texas Tea". The high nitrogen quick compost used in garden which is a high bacterial dominated compost. Micheal Phelps rather uses a fungal compost which is one part compost and one part ramial wood chip which makes a 40:1 ratio fungal compost for the orchard. He also adds  a layer of soil as well. The different in this method is that , this compost is never turned and takes several months to complete, something like JADAM compost. He also adds fish hydrolysate to speed up the process and amending the compost with rock powders, kelp, and gypsum. Which is absorb by the compost and letting it mature.  There is just so many things involved with orchards trees, it is very different then vegatable garden. It needs its own chapter or maybe its own book!
I have watched some videos about this as well!

Not All Composts Are The Same | Orchard, Garden, Fungal, Bacterial EXPLAINED



The Answer To Healthy Food, Put The Microbes (Compost) Back In The Soil with Jeff Lowenfels


Growing Cannabis Organically & the Soil Food Web - Jeff Lowenfels

2022-08-19 17:22:35
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