Hi Mr. Cho,
I found that making JHS is very hard to keep it steril after using it in the field and store it again. It always decomposed by bacteria afer some times.
Mean while, do you have progress about H-JWA that you mention on page 284 of your book?
Is it better or possible to boil the herb in water like making JHS and that use it to make JWA or fried in oil than make JWA out of it?
I try to infused the oil with herb, after about 3 months, I strain the oil and make JWA out of it, what do you think?
Mr. Cho, H-JWA is the name you gave to JWA made with oil which has been used to fry herbal ingredients such as chili pepper.
숨결2022-06-10 18:23:48
When the JHS is boiling, put it in a heat-resistant bottle (juice bottle) for better sterilization and vacuum. Boiling herbs in water works best. Not recommended. The insecticidal effect is reduced.