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Crop rotation
2022-04-06 22:55:08 | read: 3169
I am worried about stopping crop rotation. There are many studies that show that if you grow for example carrots in the same place year after year you will get disease. How do I know that it is a good idea to stop crop rotation like you say in your book. Have you grown carrots year after year in the same soil with success? How do I make sure the disease does not infiltrate and take over? Thank you very much for answering this.
2022-04-06 22:55:08
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  • 숨결 2022-04-09 14:44:25

    JADAM has been active in Korea for 32 years and has 80,000 members. Many members do not do crop rotation.
    The method we practice to avoid crop rotation is to re-inject crop residues, use sea salt, and use phyllite. And I use JMS consistently. As a result, the crops grow bigger every year because the nutrients they need are well maintained. Carrots are no exception. Thanks to the use of JMS, the soil becomes softer, and after several years there is no need for tillage. In areas where there is no phyllite, it is considered to be good to use rock powder or azomite.

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