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Free used Canola Oil
2022-02-25 13:03:36 | read: 4303
We have the oppotunity to get canola oil for free from fast food shops. This oil has been used in the cooking process. Do you think it would still be usable to create JWA? This would definately be a huge cost saving. I am just concerned about after its been used for cooking it maynot be as good? its still clear and looks good for use. 
2022-02-25 13:03:36
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  • Trevor Jones 2023-01-08 23:12:41

    I was wondering the same thing, recycling oil, but just my house waste oil, not big batches of McD's fry oil.

    Was curious about the leftover food waste in oil? Does it effect outcome of final product? Or it doesn't matter, there's still plenty oil left to stick, oil's main job in JWA?

    If vegan, should be okay, maybe more beneficial with organic matter for plants? But, if meat is added would we have to wait for putrification before use? And what about dairy, same as meat? Or just filter it?

    • 숨결 2022-02-25 20:57:52

      Yes. Available.  

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