Sharing JADAM
Figuring out Jadam irrigation setup
2022-02-23 01:00:32 | read: 5109
Hello Jadam,
  Last fall i started making JMS, and now i'm hoping to change my irrigation system so it is easy and simple to inject it into my main irrigation line which irrigates the 5 acres of mixed vegetables I grow.  I also hope to make some JLF soon.  I have a few questions:
  1. Do you use the same tank for injecting JMS and JLF, and a different one for JNP?
  2. How big should my tanks mentioned above be to be adequate for 5 acres?  To make it clear, I'm wondering about the two blue tanks you have as part of your irrigation system.  how big should my tanks be for my size farm.
  3.  I will need quite a number of tanks for all the different JLF for my mixed vegetables.  How big should the tanks be for my farm? 
  4. There are many different options for JNP.  Which do you reccomend me starting with?  Is making and using JS a good place to start?  
  5. How do I find someone doing Jadam near me to visit or learn from?  I live in Farmington, Pennsylvania USA.

If you have time to even answer one question i would be appreciative.

Thank you!

Russell Mercer

2022-02-23 01:00:32
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Comments and replies 2
  • 숨결 2022-02-23 20:28:58

    1. Yes. It is convenient to use a different container.
    2. Tanks used for irrigation should be 10 to 100 times larger than tanks using pesticides. If you irrigate 5 acres in 10 minutes, you will need about 600 tons of water.
    3. If the method of injecting JLF into the water hose is a 1 ton container, I think it is possible.
    4. JS alone cannot be a pesticide. Only when JWA is mixed is the pesticide effect.
    5. Tens of thousands of my books have been sold through Amazon in the United States, but I do not know the e-mail addresses or phone numbers of the subscribers. I'm sorry.

    Thank you for your comments. thank you.

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