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Marine aquarium salt vs sea salt
2021-11-28 13:54:20 | read: 4052
Hello Sir 

I would like to clarify are Marine aquarium salt same as the sea salt you speak of? 
Would like to clarify this before i mistaken it and pour the wrong salt water and kill the tree. 

as my annual fruit tree production is about 600ton & 1% will be 6tons of salt 
Q1 to Q4 divided each 3 months will apply 1.5 ton of sea salt 
If my calculation are corrct : 

3500 trees divides by 1.5 ton = 420g of sea salt per tree to apply 

for sea salt dilution  20 kg : 1000L ? 

so play safe will be 420g of sea salt dilute in 25L of water to be splash rounding per tree ? 

please advise & thank you  
2021-11-28 13:54:20
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Comments and replies 3
  • 숨결 2021-11-29 15:18:23

    The two are considered to be the same substance.
    We recommend sprinkling over orchard soil.
    '3500 trees divides by 1.5 ton = 420g of sea salt per tree to apply'
    I think your calculations are correct. thank you.

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