Sharing JADAM
Earth Worm Importance in our natural farming
2021-10-28 18:44:59 | read: 5113
Respected Master,
Hope, we can very well use earth worms in our field to go up and down in our soils,, while it is  moving around from top to bottom of the soil,and in effect , earth worms will go up in one route and will not return in the same route, it will dig new route to go to bottom, this continuous process will bring the benefits of  more arreation, water holding capacity of the soil will increase, apart from , bringing the requried nutrients from deep soil to the surface of the soil and to the root zone. In india, we are using Jeevaamruth, for bringing up more earth worms activity in our fields. Jevvaraamruth is nothing but flour , jaggery, cow dung , cow urine fermented for one or two days. Just want to share with our Jadam friends , if useful to them. Also, i wish our master will include the concept in his future books.
2021-10-28 18:44:59
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