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Planting Chili with polybag
2021-07-24 00:49:46 | read: 4840
Few question about planting chili.
1) Can I only use chili’s JLF to cultivate chili plant?
2) Chili JLF already made around 2 month, what is the minimum EC before irrigation to the plant?
2021-07-24 00:49:46
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  • Eson 2021-07-30 16:18:32

    Thank you for the replied.
    So can I only use Chili JLF to plant the whole cycle?

    • 숨결 2021-07-26 09:36:43

      1. Chili JLF is best used for chili, but it can be applied to other crops as well.
      2. There is no EC problem because it is diluted 20 times or more in water.
      * JLF has no expiration date. The older it gets, the better.

      • Eson 2021-07-24 13:40:49

        In the past 6 month I already planted around 1000 chili crop, but the output is very low. So I wonder is it not enough nutrient for the plant. I use only chili JLF and also fish amino acid.  

        • Stewtellick 2021-07-24 08:01:58

          Crop residues JLF are the best main additional fertilizers because it has the exact nutrients that the crop needs. You're good, you've exceeded the manufacturing period. According to the book, 20-300 for dilution rate.  

          • Eson 2021-07-24 00:53:37

            How many times should I dilute from JLF?  

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