Sharing JADAM
JADAM in The Galapagos Islands
2020-07-30 07:05:10 | read: 3598
Greetingds from the Galapagos Islands.

Thank you guys so much for sharing all this knowledge first of all.
as a local grown in the Galapagos Islands. and having the chance to travel and learning a bit of things around my journies.
i got truly fascinated by JADAM philosophy.
I think  you gus have found the way, The way to control big problems in crops and far beyond.
Galapagos is a unique, mostly untouch and unique enviroment. but we have loads of farming, and we want to be involve in making a drastic change in local agriculture. here people is used to chop and burn weeds, and use all heavy quemicals for the weeds and pest controls and many other things that are wrong.
So here we have already a group of local producer wich as far i know no one has a organic certification. and big problems with aiphids and other similar pest that are attacking not only human crops, also endemic vegetation and causing a big problem in endemic enviroments.
We want to lead on a good example of farming where we have started our experirimental farm and we want to keep it organic 100% our land has never been farm before, we have loads of IMO on the soil everywhere we look, so we want to keep it like that.    

Getting to my actual problem. 
im trying to make JS and JWA and I been having problems buing KOH and NaOH. since i live in South America and unfortunatly cocaine prodution has made this two substances regulated by the goberment so we are dealing all legalities to be able to buy KOH and NaOH. And it will be a difficult task to acomplish but my wife and I will do everything we need to do.

Nicolas Andrade.
El Socabon, San Cristobal, Galapagos.

2020-07-30 07:05:10
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Comments and replies 1
  • 숨결 2020-07-31 09:33:28

    It is an honor to know JADAM on The Galapagos Islands.
    The problem of KOH and NaOH is very unfortunate.

    Please refer here.

    With JADAM natural pesticide, aiphid is 100% controllable.

    Thank you.

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