Sharing JADAM
Use of pesticides in the forest?
2020-06-12 11:55:18 | read: 3689
Hello! I'm so impressed with this system and can't wait to try it out. I have a few acres in Oregon and am working towards being more self sufficient with food. We are blessed to have some very old trees on our property, and Oregon in general has beautiful forests. Unfortunately due to climate change, the trees don't get enough water and they become more susceptible to insects, which brings woodpeckers, which then leads to water damage, and eventually wildfires. One of the ancient trees on our land might die soon - it's losing the battle. It makes me quite sad, and I'd love to be able to do something to help it. I was wondering if anyone had tried using the pesticides on large conifers, and if so, how it went? If it works, it could possibly even help prevent forest fires if used on a large scale. Thanks so much for making all this information available to the public!
2020-06-12 11:55:18
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