Use either Ginkgo, Oleander or Bracken JHS.
The recipe for Oriental Fruit Fly is 20L soft water, 500-600ml JWA, 500-600ml JHS, 40g NaOH or KOH, 40-60g clay.
If you spray a large enough area thoroughly and then quickly spray the same area again once or twice more before the pesticide coating from the previous spray evaporates, fruit flies will have no other choice but to land to rest, and then they will come into direct contact with the pesticide foam and die.
If you have a lot of fruit flies, it might be necessary to spray like this every day.
Also, Streptomyces avermitilis is not the only enemy of fruit flies, but one of many.
Properly made JMS started with high quality leaf mold should contain some microbes that can control a population of this pest.
So spray JMS every 7–10 days.
If you don't care about your fruits getting bruised, spray JMS diluted 10 times.
If your fruits must look presentable, spray JMS diluted 25 times + JWA diluted 70–100 times and use soft water.