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Anaerobic bacteria
2023-04-10 02:21:48 | read: 8806
Dear Jadam team,
Anaerobic bacteria prefer and some require an environment without oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria are generally found in compacted soil, deep inside soil particles (microsites), and hydric soils where oxygen is limiting. Many pathogenic bacteria prefer anaerobic soil conditions and are known to outcompete or kill off aerobic bacteria in the soil. Many anaerobic bacteria are found in the intestines of animals and are associated with manure and bad smells (Lowenfels & Lewis, 2006).
What happens if we introduce anaerobic bacteria with JMS? Could you please clarify me?
2023-04-10 02:21:48
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  • 숨결 2023-04-10 07:52:42

    Photosynthetic bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, lactic acid bacteria, and yeast, which are generally called good bacteria, are all anaerobic bacteria. All bacteria that make bread, wine, kimchi, and fermented foods are anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobes dominate the digestive tract and soil of all animals. Even human skin has been found to be colonized by anaerobic bacteria.
    I studied microbiology in college, but I've never seen an expression that anaerobic bacteria are bad. I don't think it's right to say that aerobic bacteria are good and sapphire bacteria are bad. The microbial culture method of JADAM does not use an air injector.

    Many people prefer aerobic culture using an air injector, but if Thomas Edison had not invented electricity, should we cultivate microorganisms by blowing air through our mouths?

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