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Rice bakanae disease was solved by leaving the seeds in cold water mixed with 20 L of JS for 24 hoursGyoung-su Jang from Danyang, Chungbuk,rice, 12 acres (2 acres of pesticide-free), farming for 43 years (Ultra-Low-Cost agriculture for 4 years)
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A farmer, Gyoung-su Jang is from Maepo, Danyang, Chungbuk who has been farming rice paddy, farm, and orchard. His main crop is rice. He used to have 16 acres of rice but he reduced it to 12 acres. He built 1400 rice seedbeds last April 20th. It has been 21 days after he sowed rice seeds and there is no rice bakanae disease.  
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 Before sowing rice seed, Mr. Jang leaved the seeds in cold water mixed with 20 L of JS for 24 hours. JADAM recommends 5 L of JS for 48 hours. However, Mr. Jang prefers 20 L of JS for 24 hours after several tests with different amount of JS and time. According to Mr. Jang, JADAM method to control rice bakanae disease is much easier than other method. 
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Mr. Jang is famous with rice farming in Danyang where there are few rice farmers. He is the leader of Danyang professional rice farmer and the vice-president of the federation of Chungbuk professional rice farmer. 

 Translated by Sunyoung Cho

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Other articles by Moonchul YooInterviewed on : 2018.05.15 14:18

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#Gyoung-su Jang#rice

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