Secret to high organic pepper yield, good growth plan, less greed
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Hyunho Cha 2017-08-14 20:32
Making medicine-grade food
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Kyongho Kim 2017-08-08 19:37
[The story of predator] 8. Red-spotted black lady beetle Deogkee Park 2017-08-04 15:11
Rice leafroller Deogkee Park 2017-08-04 15:10
$100 per acre is possible
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Kyongho Kim 2017-08-04 09:30
You can harvest leeks twice, rotating with barley or wheat
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Kyongho Kim 2017-08-03 08:21
The older the liquid fertilizer, the better
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Muncheol Ryu 2017-08-01 20:18
Controlling cabbage wireworms/click beetles with no. 12
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Muncheol Ryu 2017-08-01 20:06
Natural method apple farm - follow at your own risk
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Kyongho Kim 2017-07-28 05:41
Make conditions similar to nature; weeds are ok
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Hyunho Cha 2017-07-26 13:40
Less work is best
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Kyongho Kim 2017-07-26 13:30
Zero flies after using activated carbon (Seongdu Kim, Imshil)
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Youngsang Cho 2017-07-23 09:47
Bean bug Deogkee Park 2017-07-21 02:02
Pear lace bug Deogkee Park 2017-07-21 02:02
No more parasites in organic pigs
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Youngsang Cho 2017-07-21 01:59
Absolutely completely zero-smell pig farm
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Youngsang Cho 2017-07-18 08:34
Incredible results of 30 years of organic pig farming (Seongdu Kim, Imshil)
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Youngsang Cho 2017-07-18 08:20
Pig feed from fermented activated carbon, get rid of flies and smell
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Youngsang Cho 2017-07-14 17:15
Repeating last year's farming is no fun... Experiment, learn and improve!
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Kyongho Kim 2017-07-14 10:33
Benefits of legume cover crop
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Kyongho Kim 2017-07-12 11:42
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