I was reading about making compost tea, and a blog recommended culturing the compost on oat flour for 3-7 days in order to grow out the fungus in the compost before brewing it. With goal of creating a more fungal dominant tea. That got me wondering whether the same can be done to collect IMO1.
I go on a lot of hikes in forested areas an hour or more of a drive away. Instead of setting up a collection box and then returning later, is it viable to do a soil collection and then culture it back at home?
So essentially instead of prepping rice, leaving it in the woods, and then collecting it later, could I collect the soil (like I might do for JMS) and then add it to rice at home to culture it?
I’m a novice with Jadam and knf, so very much still learning.
I actually think I asked the wrong question. I was thinking about how IMO process allows the organisms to be preserved/stored for later use. But I've found other resources for how to store JMS, like innocultaing wheat bran. That gives me more to research.
숨결2024-03-21 07:37:06
There are so many different ways. There are no right or wrong answers. JADAM's goal is to preserve the diversity of indigenous microorganisms obtained from wild forests and mountains when selecting the original species of microorganisms. So, the idea is to increase the microbial diversity of the soil as much as possible. Selecting a specific fungus may harm the crop by limiting the nutrients the crop can absorb.